‘Civil Society Now’ Launch Event

Published: Mar 21, 2023 Reading time: 4 minutes
‘Civil Society Now’ Launch Event
© Photo: Nitika Chalise

Kathmandu, Nepal - People in Need (PIN) Nepal is pleased to announce the launch of Civil Society Now (CSN), an innovative web-based platform established to develop the capacities of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Nepal. The launch event took place on the 21st of March 2023 at Shankar Hotel, Kathmandu.

The Civil Society Now (CSN) platform aims to contribute to the growth and development of local, grassroots level CSOs based on their needs and requirements. By providing member CSOs with the internal resources of PIN that have taken years to develop in governance, MEAL, communication, accountability and safeguarding, and bidding, winning and effectively managing major donor grants or funding, CSN seeks to strengthen their organizational capacities. Services provided to members include online resources, peer-to-peer learning sessions, and a community of professional support. The CSN platform also has a great potential to serve as the point of mutual exchange and dialogue among the variety of CSOs (be it grassroot CBOs, youth and non-traditional civic actors to more established NGOs and CSO platforms) about the future needs and capacities needed in link to graduation of Nepal from LDC status in 2026, and in fulfilling Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The launch event focussed on sharing the first-hand experience of using the platform from among the pilot Civil Society Organizations of Nepal and how to further collaborate and move ahead in strengthening CSOs in Nepal The program includes:

  • Introduction of Civil Society Now platform including vision, working model, and next steps;
  • Roundtable with pilot CSOs and CSO networks that are piloting the platform for their internal capacity development. Listen to their initial impressions, gather feedback, and ideas for the future incorporation;
  • Debate on what different stakeholders including donors, embassies, private sector and/or platforms and INGOs envisage in the future in regards to supporting CSOs and how CSN can be supportive in meeting these goals;
  • Working session for interested present CSOs and networks that would like to become members of the platform as well as providing them with opportunity to share ideas and feedback on the platform’s future.

Ambassador of the European Union Delegation to Nepal, H.E. Ms. Nona Deprez, and Ambassador of Finland to Nepal, H.E. Riina-Riikka Heikka gave the opening remarks. EU Ambassador H.E. Nona Deprez said, “This idea, the role of civil society as the roots of democracy, is what brings us, Riina Rikka and me, together to this launch. The European Union believes that a thriving civil society is essential to ensure a stable and prosperous democracy, bringing up citizens’ voices and ensuring a healthy debate of ideas. I am glad to be here today for this launch, and witness the seedlings of such an innovative initiative and the forging of a new “alliance".

Finland Ambassador H.E. Riina-Riikka Heika adds, “It is up to us all to take care of the enabling environment for civil society. We therefore need initiatives to support CSOs and networks like this Civil Society Now platform." The event was attended by pilot CSOs, youths, LGBTIQ+ representatives, diplomatic communities, CSOs, media, and the private sector.

"We are excited to launch the Civil Society Now platform in Nepal, which has the potential to provide unique support to capacity strengthening of civil society if developed together. During the event, the CSOs will share the firsthand experience of the piloting CSOs with others, so we are very much looking forward to the discussion" said Ms. Vera Exnerova, PIN Nepal Country Director. "We believe that the platform will help to strengthen their organizational capacities, ultimately contributing to a more just and equitable society, but also nurture a dialogue among very diverse civil society actors in Nepal, which is very much needed."

Through CSN, People in Need (PIN) has made its fundraising, accountability, donor compliance, and program management systems available to local civil society organizations (CSOs) to help them acquire and effectively manage international donor funding. With the establishment of the Civil Society Now (CSN) platform, PIN aims to support the growth and development of CSOs in Nepal and Mongolia and prospectively in other countries globally. Nepal has a highly active and impactful civil society, and CSOs play a vital role in providing various services. The CSN platform will offer member CSOs with template resources, internal guidance documents, drop-in sessions based on their needs, and consultancy support.

For more information on the event, project or media-related inquiries, please contact:

Contact Person: Ms. Sajana Shrestha

Title: Communication and Advocacy Manager

Email : sajana.shrestha@peopleinneed.net

Autor: People in Need

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