Climate Ambition at The Top of the World

Published: Nov 14, 2021 Reading time: 3 minutes
Climate Ambition at The Top of the World
© Photo: Sajana Shrestha

Nepal makes world beating commitment to emit ‘no net’ carbon between 2022 and 2045 and become carbon negative after.

On 9th November, Mountain Day at COP 26, the Government of Nepal, the British Embassy Kathmandu, and the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development co-hosted a major event at COP 26 and simultaneously in Kathmandu.

At the event at COP 26 the Minister of Forests and Environment Nepal, announced its world leading commitment to:

  • Remain cumulatively ‘net zero carbon’ from 2022-2045 and become carbon negative after that.
  • Halt deforestation and increase forest cover to 45% by 2030.
  • Ensure all vulnerable people are protected from climate change by 2030.

These commitments will make Nepal among the highest climate ambition countries in the world.

Minister of Forests and Environment, Hon. Mr. Ramsahay Prasad Yadav stated.

‘We are among a handful of countries that are committed to Net Zero now. We know Net Zero is the only way to protect the people of Nepal and other vulnerable countries from the growing impacts of climate change. We have done so little to cause climate change, but by leading the way we show others what is possible. I urge all countries to follow our example, so that together we can make climate change history.’

His announcement also reiterated Nepal’s commitment to protect the climate vulnerable in Nepal from climate change and ensure that Loss and Damage issues are addressed at COP 26.

The Minister went on to say that Nepal’s commitment is conditional on accessing additional finance. Keeping Nepal carbon neutral over the next 30 years will cost

$196 billion. Whilst $47 billion is needed from now to 2050 to ensure lives, livelihoods and assets are protected from the impacts of climate change and costs

The Minister was speaking at the COP 26 Making Climate Business event which brought together public and private climate investors to show how Nepal can raise the $250 Billion that it needs to deliver Nepal’s ambitious Green, Resilient, Inclusive, Development goals and climate targets.

In response Ken O’Flaherty UK COP 26 Climate Ambassador for South Asia speaking at COP said. ‘Nepal’s announcement to emit, overall, no carbon from now until 2045 and remain carbon negative afterwards is unprecedented. Nepal is showing the world what can be done with the right commitment, courage and concrete plans for investment. I join with others in congratulating Nepal, and call on other countries to do the same.’

Pema Gyamtsho from the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) speaking at COP 26 said ‘Nepal’s commitment to deliver green, resilient and inclusive development for mountain people is exemplary for the Hindu Kush Himalaya region and beyond. We congratulate the Government and people of Nepal for their leadership. At the end of the day it is leadership that will drive our efforts to protect the ‘pulse of the planet’ and show ways to scale-up investment in mountain- specific climate priorities.'

Autor: PIN

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